Korea is aging rapidly. At the end of last year, the proportion of the 65-year-old population
(13.5%) surpassed the population under the age of 15 (13.4%). By 2026, the population
over 65 years old is expected to be 20% or higher and Korea will enter the ultra-aged society.
In particular, the survey found that the rate of elderly population growth reaches four times
that of member countries of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).
An aging society is not far away from now on. It is the reality that came forward to the very
eye of us. The minimum safeguards that will keep us from an aging society are 'health' and
'pensions'. To this end, the insurance industry is making efforts to strengthen the public health
through private health insurance and to guarantee pension income by private pension.
Moon Jae-in administration announced the 'Moon Jae-in Medical Care', which applies the
national health insurance to over 3,800 non-reimbursable medical care items, and is considering
the introduction of Korean own way of 'Riester pension'. However, there are still a lot of issues
to be sorted out by private health insurance and pension sector to bring the healthy and rewarding
life to people in their old age. The Financial News will invite domestic and foreign experts to present
the directions for the development of private health insurance and annuity insurance, the two
pillars of personal insurance, in order to be prepared for the age of 100.
In this symposium, we have invited highly respected speakers from Japan where has been
experiencing aging society beforehand, as well as top experts from Germany which is a world
leading country in the private medical insurance and annuity insurance sector. These well-known
speakers will share their experiences and knowledge. In-depth discussion will be held after the
I would like to invite you to the 10th Global Insurance Symposium and explore the strategies to
cope with the coming aging era. Thank you.
Title : The 10th Global Insurance Symposium
Theme : Are You Preparing for Era of Centenarians
- Aging Society, Condition for Public & Private Insurance
Date : October 18th(Wed), 2017
Venue : GrandBallroom, Westin Chosun Hotel, Seoul
Host : The Financial News, Korea Insurance Research Institute
Supporters : Financial Services Commission, Financial Supervisory Service, Korea Deposit Insurance Corporation, Korea Life Insurance Association, General Insurance Association of Korea
Contact : The 10th Global Insurance Symposium Bureau Tel. 02-6965-0013 E-mail.
Section | Time | Program |
Registration | 08:00 ~ 09:00 | Registration |
Opening Ceremony
| 09:00 ~ 09:30 | <Opening Remark> Kim, Joo Hyun President & CEO, The Financial News
<Welcoming Remark>
<Congratulatory Remarks> |
| 09:30 ~ 10:00 | Detloff Rump Chief Underwriter, Swiss Re Life & Health Asia |
Session 1. Connection Plan of Public & Private Insurance for Healthy Aging | ||
Speech | 10:00 ~ 10:30 | Friedhelm Schnitzler Head, International Health Consulting |
10:30 ~ 11:00 |
Heo, Yun Jung Associate Research Professor, Ajou University | |
11:00 ~ 11:30 | Lee, Tae Yol Senior Research Fellow, Korea Insurance Research Institute | |
Panel Discussion
| 11: 30 ~ 12:30 | <Moderator> Kim, Hun Soo Professor, Soonchunhyang University
<Panels> Friedhelm Schnitzler Head, International Health Consulting Korea Insurance Research Instit ute Health Insurance Policy Research Institue |
12:30 ~ 13:30 Luncheon | ||
Session 2. Public & Private Pension Portfolio for Prosperous Aging | ||
Speech | 13:30 ~ 14:00 | |
14:00 ~ 14:30 | Lee, Tae Suk Research Fellow, Korea Development Institute | |
14:30 ~ 15:00 |
Kang, Sung Ho Research Fellow, Korea Insurance Research Institute
| |
Panel Discussion
| 15:00 ~ 16:00 | <Moderator> Kim, Yong Ha Professor, Soonchunhyang University
<Panels> Kim, Won Sub Professor, Korea University Financial Reform Department, Financial Supervisory Service National Pension Research Institute |
※The program is subject to change.
Detloff Rump
Chief Underwriter Asia, Life & Health, Swiss Re
Friedhelm Schnitzler
Head, International Health Consulting
Kang, Sung Ho
Research Fellow, Korea Insurance Research Institute
Kim, Yong Ha
Professor, Soonchunhyang University
Kim, Won Sub
Professor, Korea University
Kim, Hun Soo
Professor, Soonchunhyang University
Lee, Yong Ha
Head, Pension Research Department, National Pension Research Institute
Lee, Joon Ho
Senior Director General, Financial Reform Department, Financial Supervisory Service
Lee, Tae Suk
Research Fellow, Korea Development Institute
Lee, Tae Yol
Senior Research Fellow, Korea Insurance Research Institute
Hyun, Jae Ryong
Vice President, Health Insurance Policy Research Institue
Heo, Yun Jung
Associate Research Professor, Ajou University

Dr. Detloff studied in Germany and Switzerland and graduated with a doctorate in medicine from the Technical University in Munich. He also holds an MBA from Lingnan University, Hong Kong and a Law Degree from Anglia Ruskin University, UK. Worked at the German Heart Centre and the Hospital of the Ludwig-Maximilian’s University in Munich. Joined Munich Reinsurance as Medical Officer in 1989. From 1995 to 2003 worked as Chief Underwriter Australasia in Munich Re’s Sydney office. Between 2003 and 2008 was the Regional Chief Underwriter for American International Assurance (AIA), based in Hong Kong. Joined General Reinsurance in November 2008, and had responsibility for Life Underwriting and Claims across General Re’s Asian business units. Since January 2013, works as Chief Underwriter Asia, Life & Health at Swiss Re, based in Hong Kong. Is a Fellow of the Australian and New Zealand Institute of Insurance and Finance (ANZIIF), Vice President and member of the Board of the International Committee for Insurance Medicine (ICLAM), a member of the American Academy of Insurance Medicine (AAIM), the Academy of Insurance Medicine in Asia (AIMA), the Australian Life Underwriters and Claims Association (ALUCA) and the Hong Kong Underwriting and Claims Association (HKUCA).

International Health Consulting, Former Vice President of Samsung Fire & Marine Insurance Freddy Schnitzler looks back on more than 30 years of Global Health Insurance Experience working for affiliates of Munich Re Group, Samsung Group and Assignments by the European Union. During his work for Munich Re Group’s affiliate DKV he was involved in major market strategy projects looking into European and Asian health care systems and health insurance markets. Since 2002, Freddy is dedicated to Asia with a major focus on Korea. He was for four consecutive years Chairman of the Insurance Committee of the European Chamber of Commerce in Korea and served three years as Vice President for Samsung Fire & Marine Insurance. Freddy is well connected in the global as well as the Korean health environment and is regular speaker and lecturer focusing on sustainable funding of health insurance for aging societies, population health management and solid development of public private partnership models.

<Education>B.A. Economics, SKKU(Sungkyunkwan University), Seoul, Feb 1994M.A. Economics, SKKU, Seoul, Feb 1998Ph.D. Economics, SKKU, Seoul, Aug 2006 <Experience>․ Head, National Pension Research Team, NPRI(National Pension Research Institute)․ Head, Panel Research Team, NPRI(National Pension Research Institute)․ Managing Editor, Korean Pension Association ․ Managing Editor, Korean Social Security Association

<Education>Bachelor in Economics, Sungkyunkwan University, KoreaMaster in Economics, Sungkyunkwan University, KoreaPh.D. in Economics, Sungkyunkwan University, KoreaResearch Study, Center for Socioeconomic Studies, FES, Germany <Career>1984. 4 ~ 1994. 6 : Senior Researcher, Korea Development Institute1994. 7 ~ 1997.11 : Research Fellow, Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs1998. 3 ~ 2008. 8 : Professor, Economics and Business Studies, Soonchunhyang University2005. 1 ~ 2007.05 : Chairman, Fiscal and Taxation Committee, Citizen's Coalition for Economic Justice2008. 4 ~ 2008.12 : Co-chair, National Pension Reform Commission, Ministry of Health, Welfare, and Family Affairs2011. 3 ~ 2012. 2 : Chairman, Korean Fiscal Policy Association2014. 1 ~ 2014.09 : Chairman, Korean Pension Association 2008. 9 ~ 2012. 2 : President, Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs2008. 9 ~ 2012. 2 : Member, National Pension Fund Operation Commission2008.11 ~ 2012. 2 : Member, Committee on Low Fertility and Aging Society2008.12 ~ Present : Member, Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance Committee2009. 3 ~ 2017. 9 : Member, National Advisory Council on Social Security 2011.11 ~ 2017. 5: Member, National Economic Advisory Counci

<Education> <Career>Member, Expert Commission of National Happiness Pension System by Ministry of Welfare and Health, 2013. Member, Commission of Development of National Pension System by Ministry of Welfare and Health, 2012-2013Member, Advisory Committee of Improvement by National Pension Service, 2009-2010.Vice-director, Institute of Social ResearchMember, Executive Council of the Korean Social Security Association

Hunsoo Kim is professor of the Department of IT, Finance & Management at SoonChunHyang University and was the Dean of the Global Business School at SoonChunHyang. Before joining the university he was a researcher fellow of Korea Insurance Development Institute. Professor Kim served a visiting professor of Georgia State University (2006~2007). He was also an international faculty of the Singapore College of Insurance. Hunsoo Kim' research interests lie at the intersection of financial regulation and economic welfare. His current interests are the role of private health insurance on health welfare of consumers, and macro-prudential financial regulation on insurance industry. the impact of insurance fraud on society. He is a member of the Finance Reform Committee and the Finance Ombudsman Office of Financial Supervisory Commission(FSC) of Korea. He has been an advisor of Financial Supervisory Service (Financial Development and Review Committee, Insurance Fraud Control Committee) and Ministry of Employment and Labor (Estimation Committee of Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance). Hunsoo Kim is the president of Korea Insurance Academic Society. He was president of both the Asia-Pacific Risk and Insurance Association (APRIA) and the Korea Risk Management Society. Hunsoo Kim's doctoral and master's degrees are in Risk Management and Insurance from Georgia State University in the US. He was graduated from Pusan National University in Korea.

<Education>Ph.D. in Economics, Freiburg University, Germany. <Career>Head/Senior Research Fellow, Pension Research Department, National Pension Service.

<Education> - '82.2. Affiliated Highschool to Chung-Ang University - '86.2. B.A. in Economics, Yonsei Univeristy - '94.2. M.A. in Economics, Yonsei University School of Business - '07.5. M.A. in Risk Management & Insurance, Georgia State University <Career>- '16.2. ~ Senior Director General of Financial Reform Department - '14. ~ '15. Director General of Insurance Investigation Department

<Education> <Career>- 2014 ~ Present Research Fellow, Korea Development Institute- 2017 ~ Present Deputy Secretary General, Korean Economic Association - 2010 ~ 2013 Lecturer, University of Auckland

<Education>Kyunghee University, B.A. in EconomicsIowa state University, Ph.D. in Economics <Career>Vice president, Korea Insurance Research InstituteResearch Fellow, Posco Research InstituteResearch Fellow, Hyundai Research Institute

<Education>College of Law, Kyungpook National UniversityHealth Management & Informatics (Master), University of Missouri <Career>- Health Insurance Review & Assessment Service: 1986.12~2000.7- Head of Benefit Security Dept(Insurance Benefits Dept, Benefits Management Dept), National Health Insurance Service

<Education>Associate Research Professor, Department of Medical Humanisties & Social Medicine, School of Medicine, AJoo Univercity <Career>Expert committee, Social sub-committee, National Planning and Advisory Committee, 2017. Adjunct Professor, School of Public Health, Yonsei Univercity. 2011~. Senior expert, Health and Welfare Policy Commitee, Democratic Party. 2004~2012. Vice-Chairperson, Policy Committee, Democratic Party of Korea, 2016~.Vice chairman social welfare special committee, Democratic Party of Korea, 2016~.Evaluation Committee. Regional Trauma Center. 2015~.Executive Director The Korean Society of Healthcare Administration, 2015.