The advent of converged insurance
distribution channel and the rapid growth of
general agency (GA), etc. by the
fourth industrial revolution have led to sudden
changes in the insurance
distribution channels. Such changes are contributing to
the offer of various
distribution routes of insurance products and the increase in
the convenience
level of consumers who need insurance.
Since the insurance distribution
channels are being diversified and competition
between channels is increasing
which results in the incomplete sale, the reality
is that consumers are
discontent with insurance products.
The Financial News will arrange a
meaningful occasion which allows to look into
past, present, and future of
insurance distribution channels, and to suggest an
alternative for development
of insurance distribution channels and consumer
At this 11th symposium experts connected with
the fourth industrial revolution are
expected to have a briefing on the link
between the fourth industrial revolution
and insurance industry. We’ll also
look into how global companies in the Silicon
Valley and more are responding to
the challenge of the fourth industrial revolution.
In addition, there will be another
time to look into the current state of distribution
channels in not only Korea,
but the U.S. and China, etc., as well as the current
state and future of a
direct (online) distribution channel in Korea which is growing
rapidly. And the
Financial Services Authority will provide an in-depth lecture n on
the consumer
protection which has recently become a hot issue. An intense
discussion will be
followed after the lecture.
We hope many will come and visit
‘The 11th Global Insurance Symposium’ and
find a solution for the fast-changing trend of distribution channels in the
industry and the consumer protection in which the Financial Services
emphasizes on. Thank you.
Title : The 11th Global Insurance Symposium
Theme : In the era of the 4th Industrial Revolution, Changes in
Distribution Channels and Insurance Industry
Date : October 17th(Wed), 2018 09:00 ~ 15:30
Venue : GrandBallroom, Westin Chosun Hotel, Seoul
Host : The Financial News, Korea Insurance Research Institute
Supporters : Financial Services Commission, Financial Supervisory Service,
Korea Deposit Insurance Corporation, Korea Life Insurance
Association, General Insurance Association of Korea, Korea
Insurance Development Institute
Contact : The 11th Global Insurance Symposium Bureau Tel. 02-6965-0012 E-mail.
Section | Time | Program |
Registration | 08:00 ~ 09:00 | Registration |
Opening Ceremony | 09:00 ~ 09:30 | <Opening Remark> Kim, Joo Hyun President & CEO, The Financial News
<Welcoming Remark>
<Congratulatory Remarks> Shin, Yong Kil Chairman, Korea Life Insurance Association |
Keynote Speech | 09:30 ~ 10:00 | Leo Wong Managing Director, Asia, RGAx |
Session 1. Changes in Overseas Sales Channels | ||
Speech | 10:00 ~ 10:30 | Luo Jian Rong CEO, Tong Yang Life Insurance |
10:30 ~ 11:00 | Lauren Liang Head of Strategic Partnerships, LumenLab, MetLife Asia’s Innovation Centre | |
11:00 ~ 11:30 | Lee, Hak Sang CEO, Kyobo Lifeplanet Life Insurance Company | |
Panel Discussion | 11: 30 ~ 12:30 | <Moderator> Kim, Hun Soo Professor, Soonchunhyang University
<Panels> Leo Wong Managing Director, Asia, RGAx Lauren Liang Head of Strategic Partnerships, LumenLab, MetLife Asia’s Innovation Centre Ahn, Chul Kyung Senior Research Fellow, Korea Insurance Research Institute |
12:30 ~ 13:30 Luncheon | ||
Session 2. Changes and Future of Domestic Sales Channels | ||
Speech | 13:30 ~ 14:00 | Chung, Won Suk Research Fellow, Korea Insurance Research Institute |
14:00 ~ 14:30 | Hong, Young Ho Head of Insurance System Team, Insurance Supervision Dept., Financial Supervisory Service | |
Panel Discussion | 14:30 ~ 15:30 | <Moderator> Jung, Yoo Shin Professor, Sogang University <Panels> Chung, Won Suk Research Fellow, Korea Insurance Research Institute Hong, Young Ho Head of Insurance System Team, Insurance Supervision Dept, Financial Supervisory Service Jang, Man Young Co-representative, Insurance and Future Forum, The National Assembly Kwon, Dae Young Executive Director, Direct Marketing Division, MERITZ Insurance |
※The program is subject to change.
Leo Wong
Managing Director, Asia, RGAx
Luo Jian Rong
CEO, Tong Yang Life Insurance
Lauren Liang
Head of Strategic Partnerships LumenLab, MetLife Asia’s Innovation Centre
Lee, Hak Sang
CEO, Kyobo Lifeplanet Life Insurance Company
Kim, Hun Soo
Professor, Soonchunhyang University
Ahn, Chul Kyung
Senior Research Fellow, Korea Insurance Research Institute
Chung, Won Suk
Research Fellow, Korea Insurance Research Institute
Hong, Young Ho
Head of Insurance System Team, Insurance Supervision Dept., Financial Supervisory Service
Jung, Yoo Shin
Professor, Sogang University
Jang, Man Young
Co-representative, Insurance and Future Forum, The National Assembly
Kwon, Dae Young
Executive Director, Direct marketing division, MERITZ Insurance

Leo Wong is Managing Director, Asia for RGAX, the global business innovation accelerator and transformation engine of Reinsurance Group of America, Incorporated (RGA). Based in Shanghai and Hong Kong, Leo leads a team that invests in, incubates, and grows new insurance industry-focused ventures in machine learning, life sciences, insurtech, and data analytics. A seasoned entrepreneur and investor, Leo comes to RGA with nearly 20 years of experience funding the growth of early- to mid-stage technology ventures in the U.S. and, most recently, China. As an entrepreneur, he raised more than $25 million of venture capital for two start-ups; one of them was acquired and another is still growing. His past investments include fintech, sensors, and autonomous driving ventures. Leo has also led corporate transformations at Fortune 500 companies. Prior to joining RGAX, he was with Bosch (China) Investments, where he led the company’s strategic investments and partnerships in innovations in autonomous driving, artificial intelligence, sensors, and human/ machine interfaces. Before then, he was Head of Business Development for Siemens Healthcare in China, where he formulated joint ventures and OEM investment strategies for the In-Vitro Diagnostics business unit. Previously, he spent a decade at various companies in the U.S.’s Silicon Valley, focusing on marketing, venture financing, and startups. Leo holds a Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degree in electrical and computer science from the University of California, Berkeley, and an M.B.A. from The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania. He is a frequent speaker at technology conferences, and a member of Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).

<Education> BA in Financial Accounting, Xiamen University Master of Business Administration, Xiamen University, China <Career> ~ 2005 People's Insurance Company of China, Ping An Insurance Company of China 2005 ~ 2014 Assistant General Manager of the branch office and general manager of the headquarter, Anbang Property & Casualty Insurance 2014. ~ 2015.09 General Manager, Anbang Life Insurance 2015.09 ~ 2017.09 COO and Vice President, Tong Yang Life Insurance 2017.09 ~ 2018.03 COO and Co-CEO, Tong Yang Life Insurance 2018.03 ~ present CEO, Tong Yang Life Insurance

Lauren joined MetLife in 2015. She is currently Head of Strategic Partnerships at LumenLab, MetLife Asia’s Innovation Centre, and is responsible for developing partnerships and venture building for MetLife’s Next 2 Billion customers. After graduating from General Electric’s leadership development programs, Lauren joined NBC Universal in New York City in the areas of commercial finance and business development for television and digital. Lauren relocated to Singapore in 2007 to lead NBC Universal’s corporate venture capital fund in Asia. In 2010, Lauren joined Nielsen as the Head of Commercial Finance & Corporate Development covering Asia Pacific, Middle East, and Africa. Notable transactions include Nielsen’s entry into Myanmar and investment and strategic partnership discussions with INTAGE, a leading market research company in Japan. Lauren is fluent in English, Mandarin, and Bahasa Indonesia and holds a BBA from the University of Michigan’s Ross School of Business. Lauren currently resides in Singapore.

<Education> Master’s Degree, the University of Connecticut in Mathematics Bachelor's Degree, the University of Maryland in Mathematics <Career> 2001~2013 Kyobo Life Insurance Company, Executive Vice President/ Head of Product Development Division/ e-Business Officer AXA Re Life Insurance Company Fidelity & Guaranty Life Insurance William Penn Life Insurance Company of New York (Legal & General Group Plc.)

Professor Hunsoo Kim is the professor of the Finance and Insurance Department at SoonChunHyang was the Dean of the Global Business School at SoonChunHyang University in Korea. Before joining the university he was a researcher fellow of Korea Insurance Development Institute. Professor Kim also served a visiting researcher at the Georgia State University and at the Korea Insurance Research Institute and He was an international faculty of the Singapore College of Insurance. Professor Kim' research interests lie at the intersection of financial public policies and financial firm's competitiveness. His current interests are optimal financial regulations on insurance business, optimal market conduct regulations & consumer protection, and efficient fintech adaption in finance industry. He has published in academic and policy journals including the Korean Insurance Journal, the Journal of Insurance and Finance, the Journal of Risk Management, the Korean Journal of Financial Management, Korean Social Security Studies, the Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance issues and Practice(English), and Risk Management and Insurance Review(English). He co-authored the Evolution and Future of Health Insurance the Evolution and Future of Pension, Case Studies in Insurance Business. Professor Kim has been actively participating public policy making processes in finance and insurance. He is currently serving the Financial Supervisory Commission (FSC) as a member of the Financial Development & Review Committee and as the civilian expert of the Insurance Fraud Control Committee. He was also a member of the Financial Reform Committee of FSC in 2017. He currently chairs Insurance the Industry and Supervision Reform Committee in Financial Supervisory Service. He was a member of Estimation Committee of Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance and Ministry of Employment and Labor. He was an external director of Allianz Life Insurance Company of Korea and LIG Insurance Company. Professor Hunsoo Kim was the president of both Korea Insurance Academic Society and Korea Risk Management Society on Korea and is an ex-president of the Asia-Pacific Risk and Insurance Association (APRIA). Professor Hunsoo Kim's doctoral and master's degrees are in Risk Management and Insurance from the Georgia State University in the US. He was graduated from Pusan National University in Korea.

<Education> Soongsil University, Ph.D in Business Administration Yonsei University. Business Adm MBA Yonsei University. BA in Sociology <Career> (Present) Advisor, Financial Supervisor Advisory Committee, Financial Supervisory Services Director, Korean Insurance Academic Society Senior Research Fellow, KIRI (Previous) Vice President, KIRI Advisor, Financial Industry Development Council, Financial Services Commission Advisor, Financial Policy Advisory Committee, Seoul City

<Education> SKKU Economics B.A./M.A. Indiana University Ph.D. in Economics <Career> Korea Insurance Research Institute, Research Fellow

<Education> MBA, Univ. of Arizona, MMF, Univ. of Arizona, Korea Univ. Major in Statistics <Career> 2018 Head of Insurance System Team, Insurance Supervision Dept, Financial Supervisory Service. 2017 Head of Life Insurance Examination Team, Insurance Compliance Examination Dept. Financial Supervisory Service. 2014~2016 International Fellow in California Department of Insurance

Before entering the world of academia in 2014, Professor Jung worked in the financial sector – the capital and venture capital markets to be more specific - for 28 years. Starting off his career as an analyst at the Daewoo Economic Research Institute, he experienced many positions across a number of local and global financial companies including head of the IB sector at Daewoo Securities, vice president at Shinhan Financial Investment Corporation, CEO of Standard Chartered Securities Korea, and CEO of the Korea Venture Investment Corporation, a governmental agency. Professor Jung received a BA in Economics from Seoul National University, MA in Economics from Sogang University, MBA from Wharton School and Renmin University of China, and a Ph.D. in Economics from Kyonggi University.

<Education> December 2016 Ph.D (Marketing), Soongsil University, Seoul, Korea <Career> Co-representative, Insurance and Future Forum, the National Assembly, Korea Visiting Professor, Faculty of Business Administration with Finance and Real Estate, Soongsil University Committee Member, Council of Senior Financial Education Committee Member, Commission of Insurance Policy Appraisal Clause Executive Director, Association of Korean Insurance Agent

<Education> Andong national university <Career>MERITZ Insurance Direct marketing division Executive DirectorSAMSUNG Fire & Marine Insurance Marketing Director