In the olden days before compasses were invented, our
ancestors sailed through the vast sea
looking at the stars in the sky. Today, Korean companies stand tall at the center of
global ICT market as the “stars” giving directions.
KakaoTalk, the NO. 1 messaging application in Korea,
changed the game of the mobile messaging
services market. In March 2010,
KakaoTalk started as a simple messaging application,
but now, after 10 years, it has transformed into a comprehensive platform that provides
a variety of
services including payment, shopping, news, TV, and delivery.
KakaoTalk application alone enables almost all
the things we do in our daily lives
here in Korea. The number of KakaoTalk
users in Korea is over 45 million, which covers
most of the population. KakaoTalk's success story
extends to the business area,
betting on another game by introducing an AI
personal assistant.
On April 3, 2019, a Korean telecommunication company
succeeded in commercializing 5G services
for the first time in the world,
laying the foundation for building the world's best infrastructure.
Korean companies commercialized 5G, the US companies rolled out 5G services in
and the UK in May of the same year, but Korean mobile companies took a
step ahead,
widening the gap with continued investment expansion. Comparing
various indicators
regarding 5G service levels among major countries around the
globe, it is clearly visible that
5G in Korea is the best in the world. Now,
the Korean communication industry attempts
to take another leap forward, as it
focuses on walking on a more advanced path.
Korea possesses the state-of-the art technology that is
unrivaled in the world,
especially in last-mile technology. A domestic startup,
MESH KOREA, has succeeded in digitizing
the entire delivery and the logistics
operation process based on IT and data engines
in the domestic logistics
market. Covid-19 made logistics essential to all companies,
demanding more
efficient, advanced logistic services and MESH KOREA provided the solution
the logistics issues to the companies.
The ‘Untact-Industry’ is
blooming as Korean companies search for a wise solution to Covid-19,
unprecedented disaster in the global economy. In this time of transition, the
Financial News
hosts the 12th Future ICT Forum on June 24th under the theme of
“Global Compass K-STAR, Finding Its Own Path,” at the Westin Josun Hotel in Sogong-ro, Seoul.
In this
year’s forum, Korean global STAR companies—social media, telecommunications,
and revolutionary—will introduce their stories as pioneers standing at the
forefront of the global market.
We invite all of you to join us in the journey
of knowledge of Korean ICT leadership in the world.
Title : The 12th Future ICT Forum
Theme : Global Compass K-STAR(SNS, Telecom, AI, Revolution), Finding Its Own Path
Date : Thursday, June 24th, 2021, 09:00 ~ 11:30 KST
Venue : Grand Ballroom, The Westin Josun Hotel, Seoul
Hosts : Financial News, Ministry of Science and ICT
Sponsors : Korea Communications Commission, Korea Internet & Security Agency,
Institute of Information & Communication Technology Planning & Evaluation,
National IT Industry Promotion Agency, Korea Telecommunications Operations Association,
Korea Communications Agency, Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute
Contact : The 12th Future ICT Forum Bureau
Tel. 02-6965-0026
Session | Time | Schedule | |||
08:30 ~ 09:00 | Registration | Registration | |||
09:00 ~ 09:20 | Opening Ceremony |
< Opening Remarks > Jeon, Jae Ho Chairman, The Financial News
< Welcome Remarks > Lim, Hye Sook Minister, Ministry of Science and ICT
| |||
09:20 ~ 09:30 | Keynote Speech | <The Next Korean Wave : In what way do Korean Startups construct their future?> | |||
Scott Beaumont President, Google Asia Pacific | |||||
09:30 ~ 09:45 | Plenary Speech | <Explosive growth of the Korean startup ecosystem and K-Unicorns> | |||
Lim, Jung Wook Managing Partner, TBT | |||||
09:45 ~ 10:00 | <Lighting up an intelligent future with our partner in Korea> | ||||
Sun Luyuan CEO, Huawei Korea | |||||
10:10 ~ 10:30 | Speech | <The future of work enviroment created by AI and innovative technologies> | |||
SNS Lee, Seok Young Vice President, Kakao Enterprise | |||||
10:30 ~ 10:50 | <Telecommunications: NUGU, SKT's AI platform> | ||||
Telecom Lee, Hyun A Managing Director(Vice President) of AI&CO, SK telecom | |||||
10:50 ~ 11:10 | <AI in our daily lives> | ||||
AI Kim, Joo Min Vice President, Artificial Intelligence Lab LG Electronics, Inc. | |||||
11:10 ~ 11:30 | <What happens when logistics change?> | ||||
Revolution Rhyu, Jong Bum Founding CEO, MESH KOREA |
Scott Beaumont
President, Google Asia Pacific
Lim, Jung Wook
Managning Partner, TBT
Sun, Luyuan
CEO, Huawei Korea
Lee, Seok Young
Vice president, Kakao Enterprise
Lee, Hyun Ah
Managing Director(Vice President) of AI&CO, SK telecom
Kim, Joo Min
Vice President, Artificial Intelligence Lab, LG Electronics, Inc
Rhyu, Jung Beom
CEO, Mesh Korea

[Education] 1991-1994 Bachelor of Arts, Business Administration 1991-1994 Bachelor of Arts, Spanish [Professional Experience] 2019-current President, Google Asia Pacific 2013-2019 Vice President, Greater China

[Education] MBA, Haas School of Business at UC Berkeley Bachelor of Arts, Business Administration, Hankuk University fo Foreign Studies [Professional Experience] 2020-Current Managing Partner, TBT 2013-2020 Managing Director of Starup Alliance Korea 2012-2013 Head of Global Business, Daum Communications Corp.

[Education] Master of Electrical and Computer System Engineering, University of Monash Bachelor of Electrical Engineering and Automation, Hefei University of Technology [Professional Experience] 2020-present CEO, Huawei Korea 2015-2020 Vice President, Head of Carrier Network Business Group, Huawei Phillippines 2007-2015 Account Director for Integrated Key Account, Huawei Indonesia

[Education] Bachelor of Engineering, Chung-Ang University [Professional Experience] Division Lead, Business Eco Platform, Kakao enterprise Team Leader, Kakao AI Service Team Product Manager, Kakao Group Communication TF

[Education] 1994-1966 Master in Electronic [Profession] 2019 – Present Managing Director(Vice President) of AI&CO, SK telecom 2017–2019 SK텔레콤 AI기술Unit장 2017-2017 Director of AI Tech. Unit2, SK telecom

[Education] 2014 MBA, Aalto University 2001 M.S in Electronic Engineering, Soongsil University, Korea 1999 B.E in Electronice Engineering, Soongsil University, Korea [Professional Experience] 2018-Present Vice President, Artificial Intelligence Lab, LG Electronics, Inc. 2017-2018 Team Leader, Cognitive Team, Artificial Intelligence Lab 2014-2015 Team Leader, Human Computer Interaction, Future IT R&D Lab

[Education] BA Fianance&Economices Columbia University [Professional Experience] Software Engineer, Infobank Co.,Ltd Software Engineer, Setec Co., Ltd