Data is the most essential resource in the era of the 4th industrial revolution.
Data is also a source of digital transformation and convergence between
heterogeneous industries.
The data economy, or "data economy", was first used by David Newman in 2011.
Now, 10 years later, the data economy has become a keyword in the economies
of major countries around the world. Indeed, they are establishing and driving national
data strategies to transform the data economy.
Against this backdrop, we are also building a data economy at the national level.
Since 2019, we have been promoting the business of building a big data
platform and creating an ecosystem centered on private data in 16 different fields
such as finance, communication, environment, and culture. Also, since August 2020,
amendments to the Personal Information Protection Act, the Information and
Communications Network Act, and the Credit Information Act, also known as the
Data 3 Act, have been in effect. It is now possible to use pseudonymous information
processed to make it difficult to identify individuals without prior consent
of the information owner for statistical preparation, public record preservation,
and scientific research.
For domestic insurance companies, the data economy era could be both an opportunity
and a crisis. The domestic insurance industry is in a slump. The growth potential
of life insurance is lower than the nominal economic growth rate, while non-life insurance
is maintained at the nominal economic growth rate.
The low growth trend is expected to continue going forward.
How the data economy is integrated into the insurance industry will determine the fate
of the industry.
Insurance companies could leverage vast amounts of data to develop new insurance
products, improve underwriting and rates, and collaborate across industries.
In particular, they can have the ability to actively advance into the health care industry
and the nursing service industry by using public health data.
Accordingly, The Financial News will jointly hold the "15th Global Insurance Symposium"
under the theme of 'Data Economy and Sustainable Insurance' at Grand Ballroom (1F),
The Westin Josun Hotel, Seoul on October 12, jointly with Korea Insurance Research Institute.
At this event, you might be able to listen to the insights of domestic and foreign experts
on innovation in the data economy, insurance industry, consumer protection,
and government policy directions.
Title : The 15th Global Insurance Symposium
Date : October 12nd(Wed), 2022, 09:00 ~ 13:00
Venue : Grand Ballroom, The Westin Josun Hotel, Seoul
Theme : Data Economy and Sustainable Insurance
Host : The Financial News, Korea Insurance Research Institute
Sponsor : Financial Services Commission, Financial Supervisory Service,
Korea Deposit Insurance Corporation, Korea Life Insurance Association,
General Insurance Association of Korea, Korea Insurance Development Institute
Contact : Global Insurance Symposium Secretariat
Tel: 02-6965-0016
Time | Section | Program |
08:30 - 09:00 | Registration | |
09:00 - 09:30 | Opening |
<Opening Remarks> Byun, Dong Shik President, The Financial News
<Welcoming Remarks> Ahn, Chul Kyung President, The Korea Insurance Research Institute
<Congratulatory Remarks> Lee,Bok Hyun Chairman, Financial Supervisory Service Chung, Hee Soo Chairman, Korea Life Insurance Jung, Ji Won Chairman & CEO, General Insurance Association of Korea |
09:30 - 10:00 | Keynote | <Data-based Business Cases & Prospects in the Insurance Industry> Brona Magee Deputy CEO, SCOR Life & Health |
10:00 - 10:30 | Speech | <Data Combination and Utilization in the Insurance Industry & its Implications: Centered on Medical Data> Park,HeeWoo Korea Insurance Research Institute(KIRI) |
10:30 - 11:00 | <How Digital Use in the Insurance Industry Affects Consumers> PeterMaas Professor of School of Management, University of St. Gallen, Switzerland | |
11:00 - 11:30 | <Current Conditions for the Insurance Indsutry and how to supervise it> Park, Jason Director General, Insurance Supervision Department | |
11:30 - 12:00 | Panel Discussion | <Moderator> Kim, HunSoo Professor, Soonchunhyang University <Panels> Park, Jason Director General, Insurance Supervision Department Park, Hee Woo Korea Insurance Research Institute(KIRI) Peter Maas Professor of School of Management, University of St. Gallen, Switzerland Choi,Nak Cheon CEO, KB Healthcare Lee, Hyung Joo CEO, Grade Health Chain Co., Ltd |
12:00 - 13:00 | Luncheon |
※ Program is subject to change.
Brona Magee
Deputy CEO, Scor Life & Health
Park, Hee Woo
Researcher, Korea Insurance Research Institute
Peter Maas
Professor of Insurance Management, School of Management, University of St. Gallen, Switzerland
Park, Jason
Director General of Insurance Supervision Department
Kim, Hun Soo
Professor , Soonchunhyang University
Choi, Nak Cheon
CEO of KB Health care
Lee, Hyung Joo
CEO of KB Health care

<Career> Korea Insurance Research Institute(KIRI), Dept. of Financial System Research, Research Fellow <Major Book> Data Combination and Utilization of Insurance Industry & Implications: Focusing on Medical Data

<Education> Dr. rer. pol., University of Cologne / Germany Studies in Management and Economics, focus on Banking & Finance, and Economic Psychology at the Universities of Cologne and Bochum / Germany <Career> Senior Consultant with an international management consultancy 2002 Visiting Scholar at Wharton School, University ofPennsylvania / Philadelphia / USA Founder of the Cross-industry competition "EuropeanCustomer Value Management Champs" (running since2006 with Handelsblatt) Professor of Business Administration, Service and Insurance Mgt., Univ of St. Gallen Visiting Professor at Vlerick Business School, Gent/Belgium Academic Director of and speaker at numerous international executive programs Member of the Supervisory Board at wefox Holding FL Ltd. & wefox Insurance Ltd., Vaduz Executive Board Member at the Institute of Insurance Economics, Univ. of St. Gallen Member of the Foundation Board at Funk Foundation, Hamburg

<Education> Seongbo High School Department of INTERNATIONAL TRADE at Sungkyunkwan University University of Iowa MBA <Career> Team Leader of the Financial Supervisory Service Team Leader of the Insurance Consumer Protection Agency Deputy Director-General of the Insurance Supervisory Service Director-General of the Public Affairs Office Director-General of the Global Markets Bureau Director-General of the Insurance Supervisory Service

<Education> 1991 ~ 1995 Ph.D. in Business Administration(Insurance), Georgia State University (U.S.) 1988 ~ 1990 Master of Risk Management, Georgia State University1978 ~ 1985 Bachelor of Business Administration at Busan National University <Career> 2019 ~ Current Chairman of the Research Advisory Committee of the Institute of Insurance (KIRI)2018 ~ 2021 Outside Director of Lina life insurance company 2018 ~ 2020 Members of the Financial Supervisory Service (FSS) Financial Supervisory Ombudsman 2018 ~ 2019 Chairman of the Financial Supervisory Service (FSS) Insurance Industry Supervision Innovation TF 2017 ~ 2022 Chairman of the Financial Supervisory Service (FSS) Financial Supervisory Advisory Committee (Insurance) 2017 ~ 2019 Members of the Financial Development Deliberation Committee of the Financial Services Commission (FSC) 2017 ~ 2018 President of the Korea Insurance Association2017 Financial Services Commission (FSC) Financial Administration Innovation Commission Member2016 ~ 2018 Members of the Financial Supervisory Service (FSS) Sanctions Review Committee2016 ~ 2018 Financial Services Commission (FSC) Ombudsman 2014 ~ 2022 Members of the Financial Services Commission (FSC) Insurance Research Council 2014 ~ 2017 Outside Director of LIG property and liability insurance company 2013 ~ 2014 President of the Korea Risk Management Society 2012 ~ 2013 Dean of Global Business School, Soonchunhyang University 2011 ~ 2012 Chairman of the Asia-Pacific Risk and Insurance Association(APRIA) 2001 ~ 2002 Vice-president Ecminer (venture company)

<Education> 2011 Boston University, Ph.D Economics (Health Economics) 2003 Jeonbuk National University, MS in Mathematics(Topology) 1998 Seoul National University, BS in Economics <Career> 2021 KB HealthCare C.E.O 2020 KB Insurance, Head of Digital Strategy Division / Vice President 2018 Samsung F&M Insurance, Head of Healthcare department 2015 Samsung F&M Insurance, General manager of New business department 2011 Samsung F&M Institute of Insurance Finance, Senior researcher 2010 Samsung Research Institute of Finance, Senior Researcher 2009 HHS Agency for Healthcare Research & Quality, Invitation Researcher 2005 Boston University & Northeastern University, Lecturer

<Education> Kyunghee University Computer Engineering Yonsei University Financial MBA <Career> 2019 CEO of GradeHealthChain Co., Ltd 2016 ~ 2019 SCOR Global Life Korea branch Product development 2012 ~ 2016 Alliantz Life Korea Product development 2007 ~ 2012 Heungkuk Fire & Marine Insurance Long-term product development 2002 ~ 2007 Dain actuarial consulting