In March 2016, Lee Se-dol 9-dan, one of the top Go players in the world,
faced off against AlphaGo, an artificial intelligence (AI) developed by Google DeepMind.
The game drew worldwide attention. Defying everyone's expectations,
the first human-AI match ended in victory for AlphaGo. That marked the beginning of the AI era.
Only a little more than a year after the birth of Open AI's Chat GPT,
generative AI has become the hottest topic not only in industry but also in society at large.
The pace of technological innovation has been faster than expected,
and AI is beginning to make concrete and practical changes in all aspects of our everyday lives.
AI is currently evolving in diverse and innovative directions.
Personalized technology tailored to individual needs is making "AI secretaries" a reality.
The integration of AI in the field of medicine is driving more precise diagnosis, surgery, and research.
It is not far off that AI will be able to find a cure for diseases once considered incurable.
The release of Open AI's Sora AI video model in February was met with fear by some and shock by others.
Because it showed that AI can create new forms of art that transcend human imagination.
As AI expands at the speed of light, AI sovereignty is emerging as an important issue.
As AI is a key technology that will shape the future of nations and businesses,
many countries around the world have growing concerns about the
potential dominance of certain countries and companies in the development of AI technology.
Korea is no exception. Korean companies are lagging far behind the leaders in AI technology.
To discuss how to move forward in living with AI, Financial News and the Ministry of Science and
ICT will host AI World 2024 on September 5, 2024 at Lotte Cinema Seoul.
This year's event, the fifth of its kind, will bring together prominent scholars and experts
in the field of AI from Korea and abroad under the theme of "Unlimited Scalability".
It will be a forum to explore the latest trends in AI, including its current status and future,
as well as AI sovereignty, regulation, and industry convergence, and present new horizons.
Time | Section | Program |
08:00 - 08:50 | Registration | |
08:50 - 09:10 | Opening | Opening Remarks Byun, Dong Shik President, The Financial News |
Welcoming Remarks Yoo, Sang Im Minister, Ministry of Science and ICT | ||
Congratulatory Remarks Lee Choong young President, The Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers | ||
09:10 - 10:00 | Special Talk | Coexistence of humans and AI speech Paolo Benanti Professor of Ethics of AI Gregorian University - Rome Talk Jung, Jae Seung Professor, KAIST |
10:00 - 10:20 | Keynote Talk | speech Alex Blania Co-Founder and CEO, WorldCoin Henry Haggard Consultant, Strategic Advisor, National Security Expert |
10:20 - 11:20 | Keynote Speech | Advances in AI technology and innovations in business models Speech Emad Mostaque Founder, Stability AI Moderator Mark Tetto Co-CEO, TCK Investment Talk SY Lee CEO and Co-founder, Story Protocol Jason Zhao CPO and Co-founder, Story Protocol |
11:20 - 11:35 | Special Speech | AI Nationalism Competes for Global Technology supremacy speech Robert Trager Oxford University Martin School AI Governance Director |
11:35 - 12:00 | speech Uhm, Yul Director General of ICT Policy Bureau, Ministry of Science and ICT | |
12:00 - 13:00 | Break |
Time \ Track | AI in Tech | Ai in Business | Ai in Life |
13:00 - 13:50 | T-1 : The Era of AI Personal Assistants Speakers Hwang, In Chul Head of AI RnD, Samsung Electronics MX (Mobile eXperience) Division CEVP Yoon, Hyun Sang Leader, SKT AI Communication Lee, Se Young Founder & CEO, Wrtn Technologies, Inc. | B-1: Healthcare Meets AI Moderator Kim, Hyun Uk Associate Professor, Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, KAIST Speakers Shin, Tae Young Professor at Ewha Womans University School of Medicine / CEO, Founder of Synergy AI Clayton Park Leader, LG AI Research AI Business Team | L-1: Deepfake: Crime or Innovation? Moderator Lim, Dae Geun Dean, College of Culture & Technology, HUFS Speakers Kim, Duk Jin Director, IT Communication LAB Lee, Jeong Soo Director, Business Development Dept. Deepbrain AI |
13:50 - 14:00 | Break | ||
14:00 - 14:50 | T-2: Semiconductors Shaping the Future of AI Moderator Song,William Jinho Professor, Yonsei University Speakers Choi, Jang Seok CVP / Head of Team, New Business Planning Team, Memory business, Samsung Jung, Yoon Seok Strategy Lead, Rebellions | B-2 : Finance & AI Wealth Management Moderator Jang, Bong Gyu Professor, POSTECH Speakers Kim, Jun Hwan Senior Director and Head of the Digital Innovation Division at Shinhan Bank Hong, Yoong Gi Director, AI Asset Management Center of KB Kookmin Bank | L-2 : Future of Legaltech Moderator Koo, Taee Eon Leader, TMT Pro Group of LIN, L.C. Speakers Kim, Bon Hwan CEO Law&Company Lee, Gene CEO, LBOX |
14:50 - 15:00 | Break | ||
15:00 - 15:50 | T-3 : Accelerating AI Transformation (AX) Speakers Yang, Seung Do SA Leader, Cross Enterprise, AWS Park, Jin Yong Vice President / Head of Department, LG Chem DX Department Kim, Jin Yong Pre-Sales Manager, GCore Korea | B-3 : AI-Powered Robots Moderator Kim, Ig Jae Director-General, AI & Robotics Institute of KIST Speakers Baek, Seung Min Head of Advanced Robotics Lab, LG Electronics Yoon, Seok Jun Head,Posco DX Robot Automation Center | L-3: Art and Culture Meets AI Moderator Lee, Su Min(John) Founder, Wayne Hills Bryant A.I Speakers KEEPKWAN(YOON SEOKKWAN) Artist / AI Content Creator Kwon, Hansl von CEO of Studio Freewillusion (AI film Director) |
※ The above program is subject to change
Emad Mostaque
Founder, Stability AI
SY Lee
CEO and Co-founder, Story Protocol
Jason Zhao
CPO and Co-founder, Story Protocol
Alex Blania
Co-Founder and CEO, WorldCoin
Paolo Benanti
Professor of Ethics of AI Gregorian University - Rome
Jung, Jae Seung
Professor, KAIST
Robert Trager
Oxford University Martin AI Governance Director
Uhm, Yul
Director General of ICT Policy Bureau, Ministry of Science and ICT
Hwang, In Chul
Head of AI RnD, Samsung Electronics MX (Mobile eXperience) Division CEVP
Yoon, Hyun Sang
Leader, SKT AI Communication
Lee, Se Young
Founder & CEO, Wrtn Technologies, Inc.
Kim, Hyun Uk
Associate Professor, Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, KAIST
Shin, Tae Young
Professor at Ewha Womans University School of Medicine / CEO, Founder of Synergy AI
Clayton Park
Leader, LG AI Research AI Business Team
Lim, Dae Geun
Dean, College of Culture & Technology, HUFS
Kim, Duk Jin
Director, IT Communication LAB
Lee, Jeong Soo
Director, Business Development Dept. Deepbrain AI
Song, William Jinho
Professor, Yonsei University
Choi, Jang Seok
CVP/Head of Team, New Business Planning Team, Memory business, Samsung Electronics
Jung, Yoon Seok
Strategy Lead, Rebellions
Jang, Bong Gyu
Professor, POSTECH
Kim, Jun Hwan
Senior Director and Head of the Digital Innovation Division at Shinhan Bank
Hong, Yoong Gi
Director, AI Asset Management Center of KB Kookmin Bank
Koo, Tae Eon
Leader, TMT ProGroup of LIN, L.C.
Kim, Bon Hwan
CEO, Law&Company
Lee, Gene
Yang, Seung Do
SA Leader, Cross Enterprise, AWS
Park, Jin Yong
Vice President / Head of Department, LG Chem DX Department
Kim, Jin Yong
Pre-Sales Manager, GCore Korea
Kim, Ig Jae
Director-General, AI & Robotics Institute of KIST
Baek, Seung Min
Head of Advanced Robotics Lab, LG Electronics
Yoon, Suk June
Head, Posco DX Robot Automation Center
Lee, Su Min(John)
Founder, Wayne Hills Bryant A.I
Artist / AI Content Creator
Kwon, Hansl von
Henry Haggard
Consultant, Strategic Advisor, National Security Expert
Mark Tetto
Co-CEO, TCK Investment

The original tech star of British AI, Emad Mostaque has been instrumental in spearheading the development of the most advanced image, audio, and video models in generative AI history, leaving Stability AI with over 300 million downloads.Emad is committed to transforming the industry from commercialized corporate AI to decentralised democratic AI. As a firm believer in open-source. Emad sits on the boards of EleutherAI and Render, to prompt innovation and fine-tune initiatives for a better future.

<Education> University of Oxford <Career> Global Strategy Officer at Kakao Entertainment venture partner at Hashed Asia Society’s Asia 21 Young Leader CEO and Co-founder, Story Protocol

<Education> Bachelor’s in Philosophy and Master’s in Computer Science at Stanford University. <Career> Product Manager at Google DeepMind Editor in Chief of Stanford Rewired Design Fellow at IDEO created and taught a course at Stanford’s

Paolo Benanti, born in Rome (Italy), on 20 July 1973, has been a Franciscan of the Third Order Regular since 1999. His studies have included engineering (La Sapienza), as well as philosophy and theology (Lateran, Gregorian), with special interest in ethics and moral theology; his doctorate was in the area of bioethics. Professor of Moral Theology, Bioethics and Neuroethics at the Gregorian. He is a member of the Task Force on Artificial Intelligence of the Agenzia per l'Italia Digitale and the Prime Minister’s Office. The author of many academic and more popular articles, he has recently published the books Postumano, troppo postumano. Neurotecnologie e human enhancement, Castelvecchi, Roma 2017, and, Oracoli. Tra algoretica e algocrazia, Luca Sossela Editore, Roma 2018.

Professor Jae seung Jung is a faculty member at KAIST's Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences and Dean of the School of Transdisciplinary Studies. He is a bestselling author with over a million copies sold and a Nature-published scientist. He earned his bachelor's and master's in Physics at KAIST and a Ph.D. in complex systems science and brain modeling. After research roles at Yale and Columbia, he now focuses on decision-making neuroscience and brain-robot interfaces. He was named a 2009 Young Global Leader by the World Economic Forum and has received the Korean Service Merit Medal. His works include The Science Concert and Twelve Footsteps.

<Education> - 1999. KAIST Computer Science Bachelor - 2001. KAIST Computer Science MS <Career> - 2006.03~2014.02 Samsung Electronics Senior Software Engineer - 2014.03~2018.12 Samsung Electronics Principle Engineer - 2018.12~2021.02 Samsung Electronics Samsung Research CVP / Head of AI Solution Team - 2021.02~2023.11 Samsung Electronics MX(Mobile eXperience) Division CVP / Head of AI RnD - 2023.11~ Samsung Electronics MX(Mobile eXperience) Division CEVP / Head of AI RnD - 2006. KAIST Computer Science Ph.D - 2011 MIT Media Lab Visiting Scholar

Hyun-Sang Yoon, Head of AI Services Division at SKT, graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering from Seoul National University and completed the MBA program at Emory Goizueta Business School. Since 2006, he has been responsible for MNO marketing strategies at SKT and has been involved in planning various LTE-specific services, including T baseball, since 2012. From 2016, he took on the role of team leader for the SKT NUGU service planning and business, and since 2022, he has been serving as an executive in charge of the A. Dot service planning.

<Education> Yonsei University with a degree in Library and Information Science <Career> established and led the Korea Scholars' Conference for Youth (KSCY) President of the Generative AI Startup Association (GAISA) member of the Korea-Japan Special Exchange Committee at the Korea International Trade Association (KITA)

<Education> 2011: Ph.D., Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, KAIST 2007: M.S., Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, KAIST 2005: B.S., Biotechnology, Yonsei University <Career> 2023 - Present: Adjunct Professor, Graduate School of Engineering Biology, KAIST 2018 - Present: Assistant Professor/Associate Professor, Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, KAIST 2014 - 2016: Visiting Senior Researcher, Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Biosustainability, Technical University of Denmark 2013 - 2018: Research Assistant Professor, BioInformatics Research Center, KAIST 2011 - 2013: Postdoctoral Researcher, BioInformatics Research Center, KAIST

<Education> Obtained bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees from Inha University School of Medicine <Career> Currently an associate professor in the Department of Urology at Ewha Mokdong Hospital since 2020. Previously served as an assistant professor in the Department of Urology at Hallym University Chuncheon Sacred Heart Hospital and as a clinical research assistant professor in the Department of Urology at Severance Hospital.

<Education> - Helsinki School of Economics (MBA) <Career> - 2022~ LG AI Research AI Business Team Leader - Samsung SDS Global AI ecosystem development in healthcare/life science AI Principal Consultant - Samsung SDS business development Bioinformatics Lab Manager - Samsung SDS Future Technology Strategy Group Assistant Manager - Samsung SDS E-Vision Team Assistant Manager

<Career> - (Present) Dean, College of Culture & Technology Convergence, HUFS - (Present) Director, Institute of Taiwan Studies, HUFS - (Present) Chairman, Asia Cultural Creativity Institute - (Present) Chairman, Jeonju International Short Film Festival - (Present) Vice President, Korea Cinema Association - (Former) President, Academic Association of Global Cultural Contents - (Former) President, Korea Cultural Contents Critic Association

<Career> Director of the IT Communication Research Institute and a professor at Sejong Cyber University and Kyung Hee University Director of External Affairs for Blockchain Business at Chain Partners and was responsible for big data consulting at the Korea Insight Institute. Director of Blockchain Business Strategy at AI3

Director Jeong-Soo Lee oversees domestic sales at Deepbrain AI, where he is expanding the company's business in generative AI across the top five domestic banks, government agencies, and 200 B2B clients. Since 2021, he has been managing the commercialization and planning of deepfake detection solutions. In 2022, he led the first commercialization of a deepfake detection solution for government agencies in collaboration with the National Police Agency. He has also filed patents related to deepfake detection, including "System and Method for Fake Analysis Using Behavioral Pattern Analysis" and "AI-Based Voice Detection Server and Method." Recently, he has been planning and expanding the Rememory2 (posthumous restoration business) which restores deceased individuals from a single photo and a 10-second audio recording, targeting memorial services and tribute parks.

<Education> - Ph.D. degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Georgia Tech <Career> - Senior engineer at Intel in Santa Clara, CA - Intern at Qualcomm, IBM TJ Watson, AMD Research, and Sandia National Labs - SRC/IBM Graduate Fellowship, IRPS Best Student Paper Award, Distinguished Faculty Award, and Teaching Excellence Award from Yonsei University - TPC/ERC member of top-tier computer architecture and system conferences, including ISCA, HPCA, and DAC

Jangseok Choi (JS Choi) is corporate VP at Samsung Semiconductor, Inc. where he is in charge of the new business development team. His team is responsible for defining and developing new products and markets such as CXL based Memory and Storage solution, New Memory products optimized for Chiplet architecture and Peta Byte scale storage solution. One of significant products that his team achieved is CXL Memory Module that announced as the world first product. During more than 23 years in Samsung, Jangseok has been responsible for product and technology enablement activities involving DDR3, DDR4, LP DDR3, LP DDR4, LP DDR5/5X and HBM (High Bandwidth Memory) as well as product definition and market development related to future DRAM solutions as member of product planning team after serving four years in high speed memory design such as Rambus DRAM.

<Education> PhD in Applied Physics, MA in Statistics from Harvard University BS in Electrical Engineering from Seoul National University. <Career> A former Bain & Company manager Strategy Lead, Rebellions

<Education> - B.S., Mathematics Education, College of Education, Seoul National University, 1997 - M.S., Mathematics, Graduate School, Seoul National University, 2000 - Ph.D., Mathematics, Graduate School, KAIST, 2004 <Career> - Specialist, Financial Supervisory Service (2006-2008) - Professor, Department of Industrial and Management Engineering, POSTECH (2008–Present) - Director, POSTECH Center for Finance and Risk Management (2015–Present) - Director, Hana Financial Group-POSTECH Techfin Collaboration Research Center (2020–Present) - Director, KB-POSTECH Digital Innovation Research Center (2021–Present) - Risk Management Committee Member, Radioactive Waste Management Fund, Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy (2023–Present) - Outside Director, Hyundai Marine & Fire Insurance Co., Ltd. (2022–Present)

<Education> - bachelor's degree in Precision Engineering from KAIST - Advanced Management Program (AMP) at Seoul National University <Career> - Researcher at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in the United States - Development Director at NMI Korea - Senior Researcher at Samsung Electronics’ Manufacturing Technology Center - Executive Researcher at Global Technology Center - Senior Director of Platform 1 Group at SK C&C - Head of the Digital Part at Shinhan Financial Group and Head of the Digital Innovation Division at Shinhan Bank

<Education> - 1994.5 University of Minnesota, Minnepolis Math & Economics, BS - 2000.5 Yale University, Economics, MS - 2003.12 University of Cambridge, Economics, PhD <Career> - Jan. 2024 ~ Head of AI Asset Management Center at KB Kookmin Bank - Jan. 2021 ~ Dec.2023 Senior Executive Managing Director ETF & AI Division at KB Asset Management - Apr. 2010 ~ Aug.2015 Managing Director Quant Investment Division at Samsung Asset Management

Attorney Taeeon Koo is a member of the Presidential Committee on the Digital Platform Government, the Prime Minister’s Regulatory Innovation Committee, and the Economic Regulation Innovation Task Force. He is also a member of the Minister of SMEs and Startups' Policy Advisory Committee. Koo is on the advisory board for the Digital Asset Exchange in Busan, is a director and operations committee member of the Korea Startup Forum, Chair of the Regulatory Innovation Committee at the Sharing Economy Association of Korea, a director at the Korea Blockchain Industry Promotion Association, and Vice President of both the Korea Blockchain Law Society and the Korean Association for AI and Law. In 2021, he received the Presidential Citation for Venture Startup Promotion.

<Education> - Seocho High School - Yonsei University, Bachelor of Laws (LLB), Business Administration (BA) - Yonsei Law School, Doctor of Law (J.D.) <Career> - Wise Storm / Executive Officer(2003 - 2008) - Solving&Consulting Group / CEO(2009 - 2011) - Law&Company / CEO(2012 - present)

<Education> - Yonsei University Law School in 2008 - MBA at UC Berkeley in 2019 <Career> - After passing the 47th National Bar Exam in 2005 - 38th Judicial Research and Training Institute program in 2009 - Military judge in the Air Force Military Court(2009-2012) - Attorney at Kim & Chang from 2012 to 2017.

SeungDo Yang is in charge of the Cross Enterprise Solutions Architect organization at Amazon Web Services (AWS) Korea. He joined Amazon Web Services as a Solutions Architect (SA) in 2013 and collaborated with the AWS sales team and other teams to promote customers business innovation using the cloud. He covers a wide range of domains from startups to enterprise customers, helping to formulate and execute strategies for cloud adoption. Most recently, he has been leading AWS' cross enterprise SA organization, sharing his experience to help more customers create best practices for business innovation with AWS. He started his IT career as a developer and has worked for 27 years as a system engineer and solutions architect in global IT companies (Red Hat, Oracle, VMware, Google, AWS), and expanding into open source, Linux, virtualization and cloud computing.

<Career> LG Chem HQ DX Lead, Vice President(2020 ~ President) - Corporate Digital Transformation General Executive Director - LG Group CDO committee member - Industry MLDL Board of Advisory member - LG Group AI committee member IBM AI Consulting Dept. Lead, Associate Partner(2011~2017) - AI & ML Planning/Implementation consulting Clients: LOTTE Department, Hyundai Marine & Fire Insurance,Shinsegae Department, Hyundai Seoul Asan Medical Center, KMTC etc., - IBM Consulting School teacher certified - IBM AI Transformation Journey Master certified - Enterprise & University AI adoption Advisor / Lector

Jinyong Kim, originally a Unix systems engineer, has been contributing to the development and spread of virtualization in Korea since 2004 as a VMware virtualization architect. He was the first to introduce reverse virtualization solutions to Korea and, as a solution architect for Graphcore IPU, pioneered new directions in the field of machine learning. Currently, he is the Pre-Sales Team Lead at Gcore, where he is driving innovation with EdgeNW, EdgeCloud, and EdgeAI.

<Education> - PhD from the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Seoul National University <Career> - Postdoctoral researcher at the MIT Media Lab - Director-General of the KIST AI & Robotics Institute at KIST - Full-time professor of AI & robotics at Korea University of Science and Technology and an adjunct professor at Korea University

<Education> 2002. Ph.D., Electrical and Computer Engineering(ECE), Sungkyunkwan University 1998. MS, Electronic Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University 1996. BS, Electronic Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University <Career> 2019 – Present VP, Head of Advanced Robotics Lab, LG Electronics 2020 – Present Korea Robotics Society-Academia Cooperation Director * 2024. Society-Academia Vice Chairman, 2021-2022. Cloud Robotics Research Association President 2016 – 2019 Robot Task Leader, Intelligence Lab, LG Electronics * 2017 Research Fellow, 2019 Senior Research Fellow, VP 2011 – 2015 CV Team Leader, Future IT Convergence Lab, LG Electronics 2008 – 2010 Senior Researcher, HCI Group / MI Group, IT Lab, LG Electronics 2004 – 2008 Research Professor, ISRC (Intelligent Systems Research Center), Sungkyunkwan University 2006 – 2007 Postdoctoral Researcher, LASMEA Lab, CNRS of Blaise Pascal University 2003 – 2004 Postdoctoral Researcher, Fukuda Lab, Nagoya University

<Education> - KAIST Dept. of Mechanical Engineering/Division of Mechanical Engineering, Ph. D.(2001 ~ 2005) - KAIST Dept. of Mechanical Engineering/Division of Mechanical Engineering, M.S.(1999 ~ 2001) - KAIST Department of Mechanical Engineering, B.S.(1995 ~ 1999) <Career> - 2023 ~ current : Head of Robot Automation Center, Senior Vice President, POSCO DX Affiliate Faculty, Department of Mechanical Engineering, POSTECH(2023~) Executive Board Member, Korea Association of Robot industry (2024~) - 2022 ~ 2023 : Head of Robot Business Project Department, Vice President, POSCO ICT - 2013 ~ 2022 : Principal Engineer, Samsung Electronics(Global Technology Center) - 2011 ~ 2013 : Research Member Staff, SAIT(Samsung advanced Institute of Technology) - 2005 ~ 2011 : Senior Engineer, Samsung Electronics(Mechatronics & Manufacturing Technology Center)

<Education> - Hongik University with a degree in Electronic Engineering - MBA program in Information Media at KAIST(2008-2011) <Career> - Senior researcher at C-Lab and Mobile Business Division at Samsung Electronics - CEO of Wayne Hills Bryant AI

KEEPKWAN (Seokkwan Yoon) is a writer and AI content creator. From 2012 to 2023, he worked in various strategic roles at SM Entertainment Group and SM C&C, including the Travel Business Strategy Team, Future Mobility Team, and Strategy Group. He is currently working on a solo production of the generative AI film Checkmate and published a book titled It Works! MidJourney in February 2024. In 2023, he served as an AI instructor at Fast Campus and Samsung Group's Multi Campus. He is currently collaborating on AI projects with companies and organizations such as Disney, Cripattano, LINE, and the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism.

<Education> - Bachelor of Arts in Film Studies from the College of Arts at Chung-Ang University. <Career> - CEO of a startup, STUDIO FREEWILLUSION Inc - Best Film Award and Audience Choice Award winner at AI Film Festival Dubai Expo City

Mark Tetto is Co-CEO of TCK Investments and has over 18 years of experience in the finance industry, spanning investment banking, corporate M&A, private equity and venture capital investing. Mark began his finance career as an investment banking associate at Morgan Stanley in New York and London, where he worked on M&A and corporate finance, raising funding for clients in excess of $1Bn. In 2010 Mark moved to Korea to build a new corporate M&A group within Samsung Electronics. At Samsung, Mark spent 4 years successfully acquiring companies and building the firm’s M&A practice, before eventually settling into his current role in global investing at TCK. In addition to his main work in global investing, Mark is also active in Korea’s local venture capital industry and startup ecosystem, where he invests personally in Korean startups and also served as Venture Partner at early stage Korean VC Bon Angels.
location | Seoul Lotte World Tower Lotte Cinema 5F
(300 Olympic-ro, Songpa-gu, Seoul (Sincheon-dong)) |
When using the subway | Jamsil Station, Line 2, 8
Go to the 1st floor (Exit 10, 11) > Pass Gate 9 of the shopping mall next to Angel-in-us > Take the elevator between ZARA/Uniqlo |
When using a private vehicle | Lotte World Mall Parking
Parking near the alphabet S~W zones on the B2~B6 floor pillars (Lotte World Mall parking, not Lotte Department Store) |
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